Sigmund Sugarman
Born 1875
Died 1/2/1933 in Syracuse, NY

Syracuse Journal Jan 3 1933
Final tribute was paid Sigmund Sugarman 58, founder and head of the Perfection Dry Cleaning Company and for many years a leader in church and fraternal activities here, who died yesterday at Syracuse General Hospital, when services took place Tuesday. Services were conducted at 2 oclock this afternoon at Temple Adath Yeshurun with Rabbi Jesse Bienenfeld officiating. Interment was in Adath Yeshurun cemetery. Coming to Syracuse 45 years ago Mr. Sugarman formed the dry cleaning company 35 years ago, maintaining offices in N. Warren st. Mr. Sugarman served as master of Mount Sinai Lodge 864, F. and A. M.. and was a member of Philo Lodge 968, F. and A. M., of which he was an honorary member: Lessing Lodge 163, I.O.O.F.; Court Montifiore, Foresters of America and trustee of the Masonic Club. He was also a member of the board of trustees of Temple Adath Yeshurun. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Jennie Blumberg Sugarman; three sons, Bertram Sugarman of Boston and Hiram and Milton Sugarman of this city; a daughter, Mrs. Samuel Mehlman of Flushing, LI; a brother, Barnett Sugarman, and a sister, Mrs. Berthold Hart, of Syracuse.
Burial Location
Jennifer "Jennie" (Blumberg) Sugarman
Born 1877
Died 4/24/1958 in Syracuse, NY