Jason Alex Erlebacher
Services for Jason Alex and Brandon Scott Erlebacher, infant twin sons of Mark and Marci Erlebacher of 5036 Pine Valley Dr., Fayetteville were Friday,. September 2 in Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Jason died August 21 and Brandon died Thursday, September 1. Surviving besides their parents are a brother Eric Michael; their maternal grandparents, Ike and Sylvia Perres of Chicago, 111.; their paternal grandparents, Bert and Laura Erlebacher of Fayetteville; their maternal great-grandmother, Molly Perres of Miami Beach, Fla.; and several, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Eagle Bulletin Sept 7 1988
Born 8/21/1988
Died 8/21/1988 in Syracuse, NY
Services for Jason Alex and Brandon Scott Erlebacher, infant twin sons of Mark and Marci Erlebacher of 5036 Pine Valley Dr., Fayetteville were Friday,. September 2 in Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Jason died August 21 and Brandon died Thursday, September 1. Surviving besides their parents are a brother Eric Michael; their maternal grandparents, Ike and Sylvia Perres of Chicago, 111.; their paternal grandparents, Bert and Laura Erlebacher of Fayetteville; their maternal great-grandmother, Molly Perres of Miami Beach, Fla.; and several, aunts, uncles and cousins.
Eagle Bulletin Sept 7 1988