Born 1903
Died 11/9/1960 in Syracuse, NY
E, V. Altman Jeweler, Dies; Rites Today
Edward V. Altman, 57, a founder of Altman and Green Jewelers, died yesterday morning in his home in the Skyline Apartment, 753 James St., following a long illness. He started the More at his present location, 555 S. Salina St., in 194-i. Mr. Altman was a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun and served on its board of trustees year*. A former president and vice president of the Syracuse Retail Jewelers Assn., he formerly
served its president of Temple Adath Yeshurun Mens Club and chairman of the Progress Club. He was also a former member of LaFayette Country Club. He was a native of Rome and resided in Syracuse for 35 years. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Etta Altman; two sons, Hubert of Syracuse and Seymour Altman of Philadelphia, Pa.; three granddaughters and a grandson; two brothers, Jesse of Rochester and Andrew Altman an of Syracuse, and two sisters, Mrs. Earl Hart and Mrs. Margaret Finkelstein, both of Syracuse. Services will be at 2 p.m. today in Temple Adath Yeshurun. Burial will be in Temple Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Active beavers vrftl Klein, Harold Greenstein, Richard Port. William Greenstein, Hiram Kupperman and Harry Kupperman. Honorary bearers will Pierce FleiscKman. Theodore Fedder, Dr. Ephraim Klein, Irving Byer, Harry Levmihsrl. A. Abraham Cohen, Harold \Veisen- berg, Lionel O, Grossman, Harry Berinstein and Irving Shimberg Syracuse Post Standard November 9, 1960