Sarah (Kaplan) Pomeranz
Sarah Kaplan Pomeranz
Death: Jul., 1970, New York, USA
SYRACUSE—Mrs. Sarah Pomeranz, 86, 403 Bradford Parkway died Wednesday in Community General Hospital. She was born in Russia and came to Syracuse in 1905. She married Joseph Pomeranz. He died in 1962. She leaves two sons Herman and Samuel and two daughters, Mrs Harvey (Rose) Birnbaum and Mrs Irving Jane Rutkoof of Syracuse, and a brother Myer Kaplan. Burial will be in Temple Adath Yeshurun Cemetery.
July 15, 1970 Observer-Dispatch
Born 1884 in Russia RU
Died 7/14/1970 in Syracuse, NY
Sarah Kaplan Pomeranz
Death: Jul., 1970, New York, USA
SYRACUSE—Mrs. Sarah Pomeranz, 86, 403 Bradford Parkway died Wednesday in Community General Hospital. She was born in Russia and came to Syracuse in 1905. She married Joseph Pomeranz. He died in 1962. She leaves two sons Herman and Samuel and two daughters, Mrs Harvey (Rose) Birnbaum and Mrs Irving Jane Rutkoof of Syracuse, and a brother Myer Kaplan. Burial will be in Temple Adath Yeshurun Cemetery.
July 15, 1970 Observer-Dispatch