Ida (Finn) Goldberg
Ida was born in Bessarabia, which is now called Moldova. She arrived in Syracuse in 1903 and married Nathan Goldberg in 1904. Nathan died in 1933. Ida was active at Temple Adath Yeshurun. She was also active in seeking the vote for women, women\'s rights, and education. Ida married Abel Finn in 1952, and he died in 1956. After his death, she lived in Florida for several years, and then lived with her daughter, Esther Goldberg Robfogel, in Rochester NY.
Family links:
Eva Grossman Bronstein (1866 - 1910)
Nathan Joshua Goldberg (1882 - 1933)*
Esther Goldberg Robfogel (1904 - 1997)*
Sanford Goldberg (1906 - 1999)*
Irving M. Grant (1914 - 1994)*
Morris Grant (1917 - 2001)*
Ida Chaia Bronstein Finn (1884 - 1984)
Mary Bronstein Schafer (1887 - 1911)*
Joseph Bronstein (1892 - 1925)*
Inscription: Chaia bat Asher Zelig (Chaia, daughter of Asher Zelig)
Born 4/1/1884 in Bessarabia, (Moldova) RU
Died 6/1/1984 in Rochester, NY
Ida was born in Bessarabia, which is now called Moldova. She arrived in Syracuse in 1903 and married Nathan Goldberg in 1904. Nathan died in 1933. Ida was active at Temple Adath Yeshurun. She was also active in seeking the vote for women, women\'s rights, and education. Ida married Abel Finn in 1952, and he died in 1956. After his death, she lived in Florida for several years, and then lived with her daughter, Esther Goldberg Robfogel, in Rochester NY.
Family links:
Eva Grossman Bronstein (1866 - 1910)
Nathan Joshua Goldberg (1882 - 1933)*
Esther Goldberg Robfogel (1904 - 1997)*
Sanford Goldberg (1906 - 1999)*
Irving M. Grant (1914 - 1994)*
Morris Grant (1917 - 2001)*
Ida Chaia Bronstein Finn (1884 - 1984)
Mary Bronstein Schafer (1887 - 1911)*
Joseph Bronstein (1892 - 1925)*
Inscription: Chaia bat Asher Zelig (Chaia, daughter of Asher Zelig)
Nathan Joshua (Naftalovich) Goldberg
Born 8/18/1882 in Bessarabia, (Moldova) RU
Died 10/8/1933 in Rochester, NY