Born 1901
Died 12/21/1965 in Syracuse, NY
Mildred Benau resident 40 years Miss Mildred Benau, 64, of 966 Westcott St., died last night in State University Hospital. A native of New York City, Miss Benau lived in. Syracuse for 40-years. She was a member of Hadassah. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Myer Gersony of Syracuse Mrs. Rose Kline Morrison of
Lansing, Mich., Mrs. Harry Frankel and Mrs. Robert Warsawer, both of Brooklyn. Services will be at. 11 a.m tomorrow at the Birnbaum Funeral Home, Rabbi Irwin I. Hyman and Cantor Harold Lerner officiating. Burial will be in Adath Yeshurun Cemetery. Friends may call at their convenience at the home of Mrs. Gersony, 966 Westcott St.
Syracuse Herald Journal December 22, 1965