Born 7/29/1910
Died 10/6/1988 in Syracuse, NY
Jack Seidberg, 78, of 109 Alpine Dr., DeWitt, died Thursday, October 6. Mr. Seidberg was a life resident of the Syracuse area. He recently retired after working as a barber for more than 36 years on Marshall St. Mr. Seidberg was a member of Temple Adath Yeshurun, its seniors group, the Jewish Community Center seniors group, Philo-Mount Sinai Lodge, F and AM, the Central City Consistory and the Tigris Temple Shrine. He also was a member of the board of directors of Ahavath Achim. Surviving are his wife, Fannie; a son, Dr. Bruce Seidberg of Jamesville; two brothers, Sidney Seidberg of Phoenix, Ariz, and Leonard Seidberg of Rochester and three grandchildren Neal, Daniel and Allison Seidberg of Jamesville. Services were Sunday, October 9 at Birnbaum Funeral Chapel, with the Rabbi Charles S. Sherman and Cantor Harold Lerner officiating. Burial was in Adath Yeshurun Cemetery.
Oct. 12, 1988 Eagle Bulletin